Report: History Undone. Russia’s Historical Disinformation, Bulgaria’s Memory Politics and Lessons for Dealing with the Past from Central and Eastern Europe

IGA has released its newest report History Undone. Russia’s Historical Disinformation, Bulgaria’s Memory Politics and Lessons for Dealing with the Past from Central and Eastern Europe.

The report focuses on the distortion and falsification of history as the crucial factor that underpins the Kremlin’s media influence campaigns in Bulgaria based on the narrative about the seemingly mutually beneficial and culturally-historically bound ties between Bulgaria and Russia. The publication encompasses the following four key dimensions:

  • Investigation of Russia’s weaponization of history in its domestic politics as manifested in Russian policy discourse, legislation, culture, education and commemorative practices as well as in the externalization of historical disinformation towards third countries.
  • Pioneering examination is provided of the portrayal and interpretation of Russia’s role in Bulgarian history in the totality of ‘carriers of historical memory’, including history textbooks, monumental heritage and the media space. 
  • Overview of the most prominent memory initiatives, including memory institutes, museums, truth commissions, commemorative practices, established across Central and Eastern Europe, which can serve as an example of how Sofia can proceed with the incomplete assessment of its past. 
  • Policy recommendations in relation to fostering a Russia-critical historical memory and education in Bulgaria as well as insulating the media environment from foreign influence in conditions of societal division.