Podcast Series Episode 1 with Prof. Thomas Kent: Active Pro-Democracy Messaging to Combat Russian Disinformation is Vital

Our new podcast series entitled Foreign Authoritarian-State Disinformation: Global Perspectives has been launched! The initiative is supported by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs with Meridian International Center as the implementing partner. 

In the first episode, Dr. Rumena Filipova talks to renowned media specialist, Prof. Thomas Kent – an Adjunct Associate Professor at Columbia University, a senior fellow at the Jamestown Foundation, an associate fellow at GLOBSEC, formerly President and CEO of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, author of the book Striking Back: Overt and Covert Options to Combat Russian Disinformation. 

Tune in to the conversation to hear more about:

  • The importance of effective pro-democracy messaging that improves reactive strategies for combating Russian disinformation.
  • The main challenges to the development of free and quality journalism in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • The similarities and differences of Russian disinformation across different regions of the world, including Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa.
  • The commonalities and differentiations of Russian and Chinese approaches to disinformation.
  • The extent to which Kremlin propaganda has retained the features of its Soviet predecessor.
  • Ways to salvage independent Russian journalism.
  • The ethical boundaries that journalists should not cross.
  • The extent to which ‘equal’ representation should be granted to viewpoints that are not equally valid.
  • What makes a Pulitzer Prize winner!